SharePoint implementation for Alco Brewery

DigiTaiken implemented SharePoint to solve information availability issue for Alco-bev company



Alco Brewery

IAM Technology


Microsoft Sharepoint


Office 365



Microsoft Sharepoint capabilities


People Solution Portal

Important Alco Beverage company with over 40k+ employees needed to build a Digital Information Hub where all information can be available and easily accessed by intended users while keeping it secured. The client based its operations on on-premises solutions and thus was having issues with information availability

Business Impact


People-hours per week spent in manual file updating


Streamlined performance and maintainability


Status reports and management


Information capture and availability


Proper user entitlements


On-premises infrastructure

Client Challenges

The client had problems documenting information for HR systems and giving users access to all documentation

High-cost expenditure and delays in complex manual updating to files

Undefined classification of different users and access levels difficulted proper visibility

DigiTaiken IAM Solutions

DigiTaiken created a People Solution Portal to be part of overall information hub on SharePoint

Implemented SharePoint Portal to be accessible across all plants and distilleries

Implemented Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and created a landing page with all relevant information for easy access

Migrated all existing content to online solution without user interruptions

Business Impact


Time saved on automated file updating


Streamlined performance and maintainability


Weekly status reports and management


Information capture and availability


Secured information with proper user entitlements


Cloud-based solutions

Solution 1

SharePoint Portal

Accessible across all plants

Real-time visibility

Solution 2

Office 365

Automated data processing

Seamless collaboration

Word of Appreciation



DigiTaiken is a partner that fully meets our requirements for a modern collaboration solution and can perfectly meet the agility requirements of our Company. They swiftly implemented a cloud-based service that allowed us to have full accessibility of all data while properly securing it.

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